Monday The 26th of September We Begin for 100 Days of Living From Spirit!

Changing our thinking about how we lose weight starts with gentle exploration of our inner life as our bodies are a reflection of our own thoughts.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Ready, Natalie!

Your invitation couldn't have come at a better time for me. My athletic, relaxed, beautiful, playful inner spirit wants to come out of me and be seen again. Thank you for including me on this 100-day adventure of self-discovery.

1 comment:

  1. Today I am beginning the journey with you lovely ladies. I ran into Natalie’s kitchen over a week ago apologizing about not getting started yet...and she stopped me with the true message of this entire journey... This is about NOT FEELING BAD!
    I need to stop feeling bad about all that I feel I am NOT and celebrate all that I am today and and all that I CAN do now and be in the future.

    I don’t love myself all of the time….I often feel insecure because I feel I LOOK unhealthy and so I must appear to be someone that is not in control of her life. I hate that part of being overweight. Just 6-7 years ago I was a totally different person…now with a 5 year old and a now struggling business I don’t know who I am…and I don’t like myself.

    I am going to abandon my “when then” planning …you know “WHEN I get this done THEN I will do this…Or WHEN I can change that THEN I will do this….this is all-or-nothing strategy that no longer works in my life. I have no control over it all and I need to stop believing that I need to control several things in order to find happiness with myself again.

    I will take this journey and truly embrace the spiritual directions offered. In 100 days I want to shed 30 pounds. It is possible. I will begin with a personal mantra and quiet dedication to myself. When I light the candle, I will think of the other women in this group doing the same …..This effort will be different that other failed attempts to “FIX’ everything. I will take this step and look to you all for ideas and guidance. Thank you…..
