Monday The 26th of September We Begin for 100 Days of Living From Spirit!

Changing our thinking about how we lose weight starts with gentle exploration of our inner life as our bodies are a reflection of our own thoughts.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Know Thyself

Having awareness of self is a fundamental building block to this process.  .... Since I started this over a week ago I have been ever so diligent in my commitment to stay on the path to good health and plain and simple ~ loose weight .
Back in my modeling days that would have been a dirty word. Losing weight was not talked about. As a plus sized model there are secrets .... The size that always worked most were the thinner girls so even then I was always watching my weight. Making sure I stayed in the size 12 to 14 range which really was a size 10 to 12 in real life.
Funny to write - 'watching my weight' but in a way that is exactly what it is . It is having this vigilant awarness of food intake, exercise and maintaining healthy sleep patterns. This was all after overcoming an eating dissorder and creating a more healthy relationship with food and my body.
Not having my very paycheck depend on my 'weight',  over the years the scale has fluctuated. I am no longer a slave to what my body looks like.

Today I have other goals that motivate my weight loss -

Yes I am a woman who wants to look good - This I do Know about Myself
Yes I want to feel full of health and be full of energy to move through my days with ease - This I do Know about Myself
Yes I want to fit into to all my clothes that I love, hanging in my closet - This I do Know about myself

I am motivated my many parts of who I am . Everyday there will be an opportunity for me to find the motivation if I can see the results and believe in my intentions. I went back to how I began this blog before as I did loose 20 pounds just by following my own instructions. so I am rereading and following thru with setting intentions and goals. See this blog -
Step One

I have also decided to get practical I reactivated my fitness pal account and have commited to getting my hormones checked . I am on the attack from all angles. 
I am going to get back a little of where I was but with a whole lot more wisdom and knowledge of self.


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