Monday The 26th of September We Begin for 100 Days of Living From Spirit!

Changing our thinking about how we lose weight starts with gentle exploration of our inner life as our bodies are a reflection of our own thoughts.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Lets Rewire The Way We See Our World

Blog - January 13th 2014

 Lets Rewire the Way we see our World

The brain is a funny thing and today I am going to be in charge of it for a second - again I am choosing to let go of my “stories” whether I made them up or I feel they have been created for me by my life experience. Today it is my choice, my thinking, my doing.

That being said, this morning as a mom I was tested and exercised every ounce of patience I possessed in my being. My daughter this Monday could not, would not get out of bed and without fail it was her lack of sleep over the weekend. Saturday sleep over and Sunday family dinner - 2 late nights for an 8 year old - as simple as that; a lack of sleep leading to tears and a difficult start to the day. We learn together- take care of your body to be prepared for the day, the week, the month, the year. I too had too much caffeine Sunday -- Ahh elusive sleep.... As I must teach my daughter the consequences of our choices and take the responsibility as her Mom for her state of being. I have to be gentle and compassionate and realize we all operate best when we keep our lives simple. I can get caught up in the story of the sometimes overwhelming responsibility I feel of being a mother or just get on with it as I told my daughter as we finally got on our bikes to ride to school  "just start pedaling and you will feel better". We can let our mind run away and then the emotions start a party or just start pedaling....

I make the choices each day as I must take responsibility. Simple, Small, Breathe ...easy steps today. Give love, feel love.

With compassion,

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