Monday The 26th of September We Begin for 100 Days of Living From Spirit!

Changing our thinking about how we lose weight starts with gentle exploration of our inner life as our bodies are a reflection of our own thoughts.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I awoke this morning with unease in my heart, I cannot put my finger on the feeling yet . I am hoping the day will reveal a lift in my mood or some inspiration that will propel me out of funk into ecstasy (I will also take mild amusement).
This is what I do know now- I must take the next step in my commitment to myself...... I must set an intention that will inspire and guide me and then spend time meditating daily. Even if for 5 to 10 minutes. The TODAY prayer is my daily intention but I must now read it and absorb what that will mean for me today. Getting the kids off for the day launches me into a doing mode as I get out of bed and I am not a morning person!! I must find a way to say my prayer in quiet at some point - Ideally as I wake before I get out of bed and if not commit to this as a must, as if it is air to breathe. For that is my mission to completely commit to myself without fail daily - which means EVERY DAY!!
I learnt very early on while reading one of my self help books that if it is to be it is up to me and that I create my life. Every moment that has happened to me thus far is my responsibility.! Sometimes this is a hard pill to swallow - who wants to be entirely responsible for where you are in your life........
Well first it all starts with my thoughts - "WITH OUR THOUGHTS WE CREATE THE WORLD" I no longer remember who said this but I know it to be true. This is why I have to fully intend my day with thoughts in my head and be diligent in my awareness of any negativity that floats through my mind. This is what I mean by 'Moment by Moment Awareness'.
First comes the commitment - BE DO HAVE -COMMIT , COMMIT - CONSISTENCY IS KEY! I am not so good at consistency - how do I change this about myself . It is the impatience with which our lives are measured in the modern world - 'make a million dollars now , loose 10 lbs in 10 days' it is constantly around us . Things cannot happen fast enough and results must be instant. That must be what I am feeling I have not lost 20 lbs yet in less than a week and I am disappointed in myself - HA! That is it- BE DO HAVE! Be in the moment , can I do it. No instant gratification just plodding along . One of my spiritual teachers once told me that in NYC there are plenty of people trying to be extraordinary and what is truly extraordinary is being ordinary. Make sense ? Finding the courage to be yourself.... to be ordinary you.

My whole life I have compared myself to others and for today I will not do that and be ordinary ME!


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