Monday The 26th of September We Begin for 100 Days of Living From Spirit!

Changing our thinking about how we lose weight starts with gentle exploration of our inner life as our bodies are a reflection of our own thoughts.

Friday, July 31, 2015


I have been in a state of GRASPING ~
Grasping to Transform myself is always for me my mission of choice. The pursuit of a flawless life ~ Where everything is 'neat and tidy' including my said physical self.
Yes, I am tortured but now this body of mine has reached a critical point of needing to be addressed - and not wanting to be 'undressed'.
Yes, the loud voice in my head ~ " how did this happen and how could I let this happen to my self "
to "be quiet - stop the drama and take care of business". So... you put on weight - you entered a new phase in your life: at the age of 50 - menopause is not for sissy's. Then there is a new career - classes, licensing exams to study for and have I mentioned rearranging my whole life with kids and home.
Yes, again dare I say I have been preoccupied - I let my workouts dwindle, I soothed my tired mind and overwhelmed self with food and good times.  202 lbs later - there I typed the numbers... it is out !
Here I am bearing my inadeqacies and human self to the world - I have done this before - I can do it now -
My blog is the anchor where I will begin again -
First off make a drastic shift...after a month in England I am in a 3 day Juice cleanse...Juice Cleanse info on my FB Page  thanks to my local and ever so sunny/happy local juice owner Lynn Morris of 
I feel lighter and brighter and truthfully a little tired -
I feel clean and that is a step in the right direction....

Breaking free of a year of bad habits is choosing 
every minute to vigilantly be aware of my mind
 and look at my cravings as an opportunity to find other productive 
ways to soothe myself .

Namaste to anyone listening..

With A Grateful Heart.