Monday The 26th of September We Begin for 100 Days of Living From Spirit!

Changing our thinking about how we lose weight starts with gentle exploration of our inner life as our bodies are a reflection of our own thoughts.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Opening Our Heart to Ourselves and the Voice......

I asked some amazing women to join this journey with me.
100 Days of Living From Spirit!
100 Days of Feeding your Soul and Losing the Weight!
(click here) STEP ONE 
As with every new idea and every new adventure, we went through a process of saying yes to ourselves. Everyone had valid points- 
"YES I do want to do it.... :)))
immediate issues:  I need to find time to read all you have sent, I need to get into a place where I feel spiritual, I need to learn how to meditate!!!!"
" I don't want to weigh myself", "I am a flake and I have so much going on"," I don't understand ".
 I myself am riddled with fear that I will be unable to go to completion. 
This is the Voice of Resistance and our Ego Voices ( name it what you would like ) Chatter, Chatter I hear in my head, all the reasons why not to truly spend some time with myself and learn to love; accept who I am.

 Here is how I work with my Chatter - " well thank you very much for sharing" I say" but I am choosing to go this way... that feels good to me" " I am going to move out and away from my limitations and my old view of who I am ". "Thinking about the possibilities of commiting to me kind of excites me and I want to explore what that feels like". 
 Yes, I have a conversation. Luckily not out loud!
I always acknowledge but firmly decide to go towards the positive Voice that is dying to come out . Sometimes I look at the words in my head and if they come from a negative place (or have a negative feeling) I ver off on another path . The Voice and Chatter is a reminder that I am in fear at times and I am grateful for the awareness that I need to make another choice here.

Last night we had a raging storm, thundering and lighting outside and at 10pm I was not ready to sleep (my preferred bedtime). After my meditation I decide to watch some TV and as I reclined all cozy on the couch, thoughts came into my head - It would be nice to have a cookie now or hmm a spoon of peanut butter is healthy - what do I feel for .... on and on - I focused on the show and somewhere said to myself let's wait out this feeling for a snack - you are going to sleep in half an hour, does your body need food right now. I even asked myself "what feelings am I avoiding". "What is the need that I want to full fill ". I had a good dinner and I was not hungry. I just sat with it -the longing , the need for distraction. I sat with it .....and it went away or I forgot or I got caught up in what I was watching. MY motivation was "what will make you feel proud about you - will this honour me?". 
So that is the question - "Will This Honour Me?"
How Will You Honour Yourself Today ?

flying free



 Please view the comments on STEP ONE as they are inspiring
and connect us to each other.


Thursday, September 22, 2011



100 Days of Living From Spirit!
100 Days of Feeding your Soul and Losing the Weight!
Being in the Flow

Well, here we go ! Fall is just ahead of us and it is time to start the process of evolving beyond your limitations and be free from regret and negative self talk.
We are changing our focus to loving ourselves completely from the inside out revealing our own true magnificence.
Take a leap and join the journey - it is going to be a joyful and expansive Experience.

I hope you have spent some time, thinking about this journey if you have been following my blog, if you haven't no worries you can start now!- please see the First Step Below.

I am committing to this for 100 days. I would like us to all start together !
Monday The 26th of September We Begin for 100 Days

From one Seed

Now you know there is never a 'right ' time - I currently am recovering from a nasty cold and I have a stye in my eye, planning a 6 year old birthday party and my husbands 50 th Bash, Launching an Eco Garden for my children's Elementary school which is added to the motherly, wifely duties and an infomercial shoot next week - This is our crazed life !! I feel your angst as you go through yours . THAT IS WHY YOU HAVE TO COMMIT, AS I DO (THOSE WHO KNOW ME FOR A LONG TIME KNOW MY STRUGGLE WITH COMMITMENT) The difference is feeding your soul as you live your life -

I want to hear the struggle - all the gory details!
Get another friend on board if it helps or find your way with us!!
Changing our thinking about how we lose weight starts with gentle exploration of our inner life as our bodies are a reflection of our own thoughts.

 " With our Thoughts we Create the World"

First off please only decide to participate if this really speaks to you from a gut place inside.

This will be your own personal journey. We will be sharing our experience together but ultimately it is your own unique process of discovery.
The focus for yourself is to honour your spirit and your body which will lead to you achieving the weight loss.

Here is the First Step-

Setting an Intention and Creating A Daily Prayer/Statement.

1. Decide what weight you want to be and how much you want to lose.
This process should be joyful and inspiring. You should become excited and committed to the possibilities with all your emotional and spiritual self.

 Weigh yourself. No Judgement. Give the number no power- move forward- Next.....
Get quiet,... in  a place in your home where and when you will not be disturbed - take the time and close your eyes envisioning the you that feels free ,unencumbered.
Choose a number.
Do not use this time to beat up on yourself and allow your ego to gain control or power over this process. This will waste your time and slow down your desires.
The love and excitement will come from your commitment to take care of yourself.
Create a ceremony (light a candle call on your guides) and write down your feelings about what it will mean to lose this weight in your life. How it will affect you .
I don't mean about fitting in to clothes , more about what the weight represents to you now - how it comforts you or makes you feel safe. How the weight creates a separation from others or prevents you from living the life you see for yourself.
How will losing this weight transform your sense of self. Maybe it really is not about your weight and you can be quite happy where you are in your body . (There will also be a step where you have to accept your body as it is right now , for that is how you can move forward)

Be very clear as you write about the transformation you are about to enter - see and feel the outcome clearly.

Write a prayer or statement that you will read to yourself everyday.
(Mine is the Today prayer on my home page of my web site and my first blog entry)
This is your centering/daily statement of purpose.

Life is not stagnant and we are beings full of ambiguity and complications- and greatness!
However, all this has to be about is taking a step forward away from the stagnant view you have had about who you are and how you love yourself.
 This is about celebrating the whole you in it's splendor and yes even as you are now.
 You are a gift to the world and you deserve to live your life with joy !

Read - A year in the Making-

Post a comment or you can start your own blog and I will be a follower.

We will take it  a step at a time. I will post a step a week or more as needed- You will be my guide--
Commitment and Intention is first.
I have lost 6lbs and have been living a very non dietary life.
I do not feel deprived. 



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Ready, Natalie!

Your invitation couldn't have come at a better time for me. My athletic, relaxed, beautiful, playful inner spirit wants to come out of me and be seen again. Thank you for including me on this 100-day adventure of self-discovery.